Thursday, June 25, 2015

2015 Road Trip, Day 4 - Our New Kentucky Home

 Today we drove from Cincinnati to Frankfort, Kentucky. We'll be in Kentucky for a few days, exploring the Lexington area.  We chose this area for two reasons:

1.  Abraham Lincoln was born in this general area.

2.  We have friends who currently live in this area.

Works for us!

Our original plan was to go to the Cincinnati Museum Center today.  Celia has wanted to return there since our first visit back in 2008.  However, instead of the museum, she got to see the inside of a new dentist's office.  Last night she came to me and said she had lost a filling; as it turned out, not only was the filling gone but the tooth broken as well.  I texted our friend for help, and she referred me to her son's dentist.  A few phone calls later, we had a late afternoon appointment and we hit the road.

Heading to Cincinnati.

We'll come back!

Welcome to Kentucky!

We couldn't stop laughing.  Can you guess the name of the town?

We're back in the mountains.  Kentucky's constitution says that counties can be no more than one day across by horseback.  Some counties are only a few miles wide, because the mountains take a long time to navigate up and down.  County lines remain the same, but this highway solved the "up and over" problem with just blasting a path through.

After we checked in to our hotel, we headed back out to our friends' house.  Jude has been waiting to see Isaac again for a long time

Mrs. Jessica was a very brave host, and Isaac found himself the middle brother for an afternoon while I took Celia to meet his dentist.

Diagnosis: lost filling and broken.  Not a surprise.  Dr. Jackie patched her up well enough that we can finish our trip and then see our dentist when we get back.

Telling Daddy about her trip to the new dentist.  Luke has been the road photographer, but I handed her the camera to distract her from her numb mouth for the way back.  

 Dr. Jackie's office building

(I'm thinking we need to get some Windex on our next grocery stop.)

Bridge over the Kentucky River.  There's a curve into it, straight across the river, and then another sharp bend out. 

When we got back, we took Mrs. Jessica and Isaac to Cracker Barrel for dinner to say "Thanks for bailing us out." 

This time, we didn't need the GPS - we had a fearless leader!

Damien is getting good at finding these from a 1/4 mile away!

We'll be spending the next few days from our "home base" in Frankfort.  Time to explore the Lincoln family!

©2012- 2015 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

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