Monday, December 22, 2014

Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Don't you love it when a plan comes together?

Christmas is the season of parties -- parties at school plus our big family dinner on Christmas Day.  However, Celia can only safely eat four foods (pork, strawberries, chocolate and now sweet potatoes) without an allergic reaction, so though we always make a safe-for-her treat to share at parties, trying to come up with something "party exciting" is always a challenge.  In the past, we've made chocolate candies, chocolate covered strawberries, and even Marshmallow Stuffed Strawberries, but this year I just didn't have time for something exceptionally labor intensive.

Her newest food to try is coconut, so I went looking out onto the internet trying to find coconut-based cookie recipes  (two birds with one stone and all that) and found this Ginger-Fennel Coconut cookie recipe that had potential.  We'd need to make a lot of changes to the flavoring side, but it had a good frame. I made adjustments and a single 8-cookie batch, hoping that they'd turn out (and that she liked them). When she did, I went back and re-tried it, scaling the recipe up to make a larger amount (there are 22 students in her class, so a batch of 8 wasn't going to cut it).  Coconut is definitely the dominant flavor in these dense cookies, but is tempered by the tang of molasses and the sweetness of chocolate. Now just to make sure that enough make it to school in the box and not Celia's belly!
Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies  vegan and Paleo, THM Friendly

Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Vegan and Paleo/THM Friendly
Makes 32 Cookies

coconut oil and butter, molasses, chocolate chips
1 1/2 c. coconut flour
3/4 c. coconut butter (coconut manna)
1/4 c. coconut oil (room temperature)
1 c. mini chocolate chips
1/2 c. molasses
3/4 c. water

Preheat oven to 360°F (182°C).  (Yes, I know it's an odd temperature - that's what the original recipe said.  If your oven doesn't easily do "in between" temperatures, drop it to 350°F and bake an extra minute or two.)

Mix all ingredients together until a dough forms.  Scoop into small balls, and place on a cookie sheet. Flatten slightly.

Bake for 9-12 minutes, or until firm.  Remove from oven and cook for 5-10 minutes on the sheet, then transfer to a baking rack.

Make sure your sister doesn't eat them all before you get a chance!

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