Friday, December 5, 2014

5 on the 5th - December 2014

 I'm joining up with Marcy at Ben and Me for her "5 on the 5th" linkup.  The idea is to shine a light on five blogs/posts that you've particularly loved.  What inspired me this past month?

5 on the 5th December 2014

1.  Five Tips for Better Images from Do Try This At Home.  I admit to being a very amateur photographer - I have a good camera but don't play with it as much as I'd like to.  Since we're almost to New Year's and thinking about resolutions, I'm considering "Get out of your point-and-shoot rut" for one of them.

2.  Once I take my pictures, I like using Lightroom to edit them.  They never come out of the camera looking the way I see the image in real life, and some subtle editing can really bring them back to life.   4 Tips for Efficient Editing in Adobe Lightroom from The Life of a Crafty Wife has some great ideas.  I tried her first tip - marking the ones I liked and sorting from there - and it definitely made editing and saving go more quickly.

3.  Learning American History through Movies from Heart of Wisdom blog has a FANTASTIC list of movies for every era of US History.  Some are for older students only (and flagged if they have more restrictive ratings - PG13, R, etc.), but I think this is going to be a great resource for Jude.  He loves history, and soaks up video-based presentations. 

4.  FREE Christmas Worksheets from Mrs. Karle's Sight and Sound Reading.  Jude and I are trying something new this month - "Christmas School"! All of our lessons have had a Christmas theme - we're working on a Nutcracker Lapbook, and some holiday-themed Math worksheets, and these color-by-word sheets are a great for rounding off our studies.  (Bonus:  there are some color-by-letters for Damien to work on, too!)

5. I recently read How 936 Pennies Will Forever Change How You Parent at From Famine to Foodie.  I admit to tearing up, because "time flies" has hit hard this week.   Luke found a stack of college advertisement letters that came while we were on this vacation; the baby-faced Damien I had tucked in woke up from a nap, and suddenly looked like the "big boy" almost-kindergartener he is.  I'm not about to go out and get a jar of pennies for each child, but reading this really brought home how when they're newborns, we think we have all the time in the world, but in reality - they'll be grown before we realize.

Come join the party!

©2012- 2014 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

1 comment:

  1. I love the choices you made for sharing, and I wish to especially thank you for Number 5. You may have just saved the best for last. What a touching story and wonderful reminder. I needed that right now. I'll be back later to check out the photography posts. We'll be focusing on that in our homeschool for the next several months, and I am always trying to sharpen my skills and learn more. :)
