Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party - Week 30

 It's a new month, a new week, and time for the

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party

 I hope everyone had a good week!  We had a pretty good one.  Hectic, as usual (life always is when you have five kids) but overall, a good week.  I'll take it. 

March mean bunnies and springtime and...more snow.  Gosh, I'm over the snow.  Is it warming up where you are?  This weekend started "meteorological spring," but apparently somebody forgot to tell Mother Nature.  We're slated for yet another foot of snow this week.  So far, we've had the third snowiest winter on record, but aren't that far from overtaking the number two spot.  I'll be cruising Pinterest looking for crock-pot meals to have going while I'm helping dig the house out again.  (Gotta keep a clear path for the UPS guy to bring all the review goodies!)

Ready to party? I'm adding a new feature -- leave your Pinterest link as well as your pin!  Everyone please follow at least the person above you on the linky, that way everyone makes a new friend.

Favorites from last week:

Color Mix Icicles
These look like fun!  If it's going to be cold, then might as well have fun with it, right?  These Color Mixing Icicles fit the bill, AND you can watch them from inside!

Chicken Tortilla Soup

This Chicken Tortilla Soup looks warm and hearty and simple...perfect to leave simmering whether you're headed to soccer practice or to shovel! 

And if you're out of other things to do, then fire up the oven and bake some more cookies!

Italian Finger Sandwich cookies

These Italian Finger Butter Sandwich cookies look delicious, and chocolate makes everything better.

Don't forget to check out the Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party board, where you'll find all the pins from prior parties. 

Who is ready to link up?

Your Pin!

©2012- 2014 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. Thank you for hosting! Have a great weekend:)

  2. Thanks for the party, Meg! Hope you have a great week ahead!

  3. Hello Meg! Happy Sunday! Thank you for hosting this 'Linky Party'!

    ~ Vashti
