Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party - Week 29

 It's a new week!  Happy end-of-February and welcome back to an Olympic-sized

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party at Adventures with Jude

Has it been a good week for you?  It's been pretty good here.  Only one day of snow...and TWO days where it was warm enough to play outside!  Friday it got up in to the 60s!!  The little boys and I went outside to play after schoolwork was done, and managed a whole half hour before the tornado warnings and thunderstorms started.  Ah well -- we had a good time, especially since there's more snow forecasted for this week! I'm thinking they should have held the Olympics in Philadelphia instead of Sochi...

Let's get to the partying, shall we?

First, as always, my favorite pins.

These Olympic Cookies from A Class of One deserve a medal. 

Olympic Cookies

(Just like ice dancers Meryl Davis and Charlie White!  Since Luke and Celia are ice dancers as well, there was much excitement when they skated World-Record performances!)

Another medal for Motherhood and Makeovers for great winter-themed Kid-Friendly Service Projects.

(Because heroes are not just sliding on ice, but salting paths so others who DON'T want to slide aren't!)

 One more medal awarded to As We Walk Along the Road for this Chemical Free Oven Cleaning tutorial.

No smells, no fuss, no "performance enhancing substances" involved?  Totally medal-worthy in my book!

All of the entries have been pinned to the Sunday Sharing Pinterest Board, so let's get a new party going!  Link up your favorites!  Please try to link PINS and not blog posts - it is a Pinterest party, after all! 

©2012- 2014 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. Thank you for sharing my pin. I always enjoy the Sunday Sharing link up. :-)

  2. Hi Meg! Thank you for hosting this cool 'Linky Party'! Have a great week!

    ~ Vashti
