Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Proactive in Progress - Week 8: Perservance

Proactive in Practice

I'm working at it this proactive thing.  Sometimes I feel like I'm doing pretty good, and have everything under control.  I have my lists, I have my calendar.  The two intersect, and it seems like I'm starting to anticipate things, at least some of the time.  But it's only some of the time, and after two months.  I feel like my goal of not being a headless chicken is never going to happen.

But then today, I had a total reactive moment.

Since Jude's really depressing evaluations last fall, we've been hauling ourselves to therapy two days each week.  From September to December, he was receiving occupational therapy and speech once a week each, and physical therapy twice weekly.  By December, he was doing well enough that we could exchange one of those PT sessions for some desperately needed extra speech.

Jude's speech is slowly coming along.  I'd say we understand him about half the time now.  He's learning that if we say, "What was that?" it means he needs to slow down, and really exaggerate sounds.  (Well, exaggerate by his standards.  In reality, it means we can get enough of the word to guess at what he means.) 

After today's session, he came proudly galloping down the hall.  He raced back to Miss Kelly, gave her a high-five, and then turned back around.  He HOPPED to me.


The child who six months ago was considered a "functional walker" HOPPED into my arms. He started six months ago with the locomotion of a two-year-old (his Peabody averaged him at 34 months) and today showed a good grip on a skill that's second nature to most four-year-olds.

Your hearts will rejoice and no one will take your joy away from you.  John 16:22

(Yes, I cried.)

He was so excited to show me.  He is proud of the extra sticker on his sticker chart tonight - earned for working so hard at therapy. 

So, back to this proactive thing.   I need to just keep trying.  It might just take a while, but someday, I'll hop and gallop along, too.

Proactive in Practice - Perservere!

©2012- 2014 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. http://adventureswithjude.com


  1. What a beautiful, encouraging story! I'm glad it's posted here so you can remember when hard days come again. ;)

  2. Heather @ A Nurse's WildflowerFebruary 27, 2014 at 6:36 PM

    This is so encouraging to read. We too have been in and out of occupational therapy and speech therapy...so spendy!!! I love reading stories of how well it has helped. Reading you from the "A Nurse's Wildflowers Homeschool Weekly Moments and Musings Link UP."
