Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party - Week 23

Welcome to a new week!  It's time for a new party!

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party Adventures with Jude

 How was your week?  Have you thawed out any?  Wow, it was brutal here in New Jersey -- how bad did it get where you are?  Our wind chills got into the 20-below range...mind over matter wasn't working!  I had Jimmy Buffet blasting on the radio...

Jimmy Buffet on radio but still cold outside

 Nope.  Still cold!


Which brings me to my favorite pins from last week.  How about three things to make you feel all nice and warm and cozy?

What says "warm fuzzies" better than Cinnamon Rolls?

Crescent Roll Cinnamon Buns

Mmm.  Can't you smell them already?  Thanks to Echo from Domain of the Mad Mommy for these great treats (that take all of about 15 minutes to make!)

Or these Banana Nut Muffins from The Dinner Pages.

Banana Nut Muffins

Can you tell when it's cold I like to bake?  Hey -- the oven helps warm the house up, saves wear and tear on the furnace, right?  Or at least, that's what I tell myself.

I know a lot of people have soup or chili as their go-to meals for cold nights.  But I like breakfast for dinner.  Skillets like this Eggs and Potatoes like this from Gramma's Cooking Lives On are great for cold nights.

Potatoes and Eggs skilet meal

 It's quick, it's simple, and it goes with muffins or cornbread or biscuits (that all use the oven!)

Here's hoping this week is a little more temperate for you.  It's supposed to still be chilly can find me hanging out in front of the oven waiting for something yummy to be done!  I can't wait to see what you are up to!

PS - I've got a surprise coming next week, so make sure you come back next Sunday, too!

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. Thank you for the mention of my potatoes and eggs dish. It really is a great warm-you-up meal, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It sure was cold here in New York too! Brrrrrr. Too cold for my liking. My Tomato based soup hit the spot. I froze some as well. I freeze in the quart Chinese Soup containers. It's perfect for 2 servings, one for hubby and one for me. I have about 3 quarts frozen for when the temps get real low again!

  2. It was freezing here this week also!

  3. Thanks for hosting! We were SO cold here, as well!

  4. Thanks for the party! Lots of great pins here!
