Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party - Week 22

Welcome to the Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party!  It's great to see everyone again.  I took a break from blogging last week to share Christmas break with the kids.  I had some posts pre-scheduled so there wasn't radio silence, but it seemed really odd to be away for so long.  I'm ready to get this party started again!

When do you take your Christmas decorations down?  Mine are still up -- if it were up to me, they'd never come down!  Well, maybe by Lent, but I'm not certain.  The compromise here is the weekend of or just after Three Kings' Day.  My philosophy is if the Magi aren't even at the stable yet, it's still Christmas!  Jude's Nativity set is still displayed atop the piano, with these guys waiting in the wings.  Ever literal, he made me figure out which side of the piano was to the east so they could travel in the proper direction.

Magi craft

 But really -- doesn't the house just look so bare after everything comes down?  We leave our tree lit all day and night, and the house just seems so depressingly dark once it's put away.  If you ask me, a tree is the best nightlight ever!  Even though I try to put up a few Valentine's Day decorations, it just doesn't look the same.  Today, I'm featuring two pins with some great winter decorations that I think will help transition. 

First is this pretty centerpiece from Makeovers and Motherhood.

winter greens centerpiece

With the bright greens and the candles, this rustic centerpiece is sure to chase away the winter blahs!

I also love these glittery fairies, shared by Life with Moore Babies!

pine cone fairy

They're perfect to hang outside from a tree, or even inside the window, to add a bit of whimsy to January!

And looking ahead is that giant winter party called Super Bowl Sunday.  I admit, I'm not a huge football fan - we usually watch the game for the commercials! - but it's a good excuse to snack, right?  I think we might give these little nibbles a try!

sausage cheese appetizer

These sausage and cheese bites from Many Waters look delicious, and you can time the oven perfectly for while the game's on, so you're ready to kick back with the commercials!

It's time for this week's linky!

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. Thanks for hosting and featuring our Winter Fairies!

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my Sausage Squares! Hope you try them and love them:)
