Sunday, January 12, 2014

Pin It Monday Hop #42 - co-host

Did you enjoy the party last week?  I did, so I'm co-hosting again!  I hope you'll link up again and share your favorite posts!  Don't forget to enter the giveaway as well - there's two prizes to give, so double the chances to win!

WELCOME TO PIN IT MONDAY HOP #42!!! If this is your first time linking-up with us, we are so glad to have you. Your post will be seen at 11 lovely blog sites. That simply means - bigger and wider exposure for you. Meet the Team.
 A big thank you to everyone who linked-up last week. Find out here if you were featured. We are so excited to announce the first winner of the give-away. Oh, the give-away will run for the whole month of January so just keep on joining and following us. This give-away is hosted by Veronica of Digiscrap Boutique (open to US residents Only). Every Week there will be 2 winners of Gift set from Bath and Body Works.  

Last Week's Winners


Congratulations To:


Enter To Win

  a Rafflecopter giveaway Prizes supplied by Digiscrap Boutique. Fragrance received may be different than item shown. Don’t want to join the give-away but still want to show your support …follow us below.  

Judy @ Pursuit of Functional Home: Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, Facebook, Google +  
Veronica FB, Twitter, Pinterest 
 Jen – - FB, Pinterest, Twitter, G+, Bloglovin  
Meg Falciani : G+, Pinterest

Share your creations, creative ideas, inspirational story, rant, photography, recipes, decor, tips and tricks, etc. We can’t wait to see them! Though, we may not comment to every linked post but we do visit each one of them. By linking up, you allow us to use your images and in return, we will link back to your site. Thank you so much for linking up at Pin It Monday Hop. Mwwwaahh! We Love you all pretties! Now unto our party, what have you been up to lately? This Party is open every Sunday 5pm CST until Friday Midnight (CST).
©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

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