Thursday, December 5, 2013

N is for Nativity Set (The ABCs of Homeschooling Through the Holidays)

Do you have a favorite Christmas decoration? I admit, I love all the handmade items that we have in our home - the handmade stockings that I made for each of the children's first Christmases, and a wallhanging that my Mother embroidered.  My most favorite decorations  are the Nativity Stes.  My most prized creche is an olivewood set that hubby and I purchased at a Bethlehem gift shop on our honeymoon. 

Jude made his own Nativity set, and it sits proudly on top of the piano we inherited when Neal's grandmother moved.  We made it from an upcycled box and cardboard rolls.  Come over to Upside Down Homeschooling to see how we made it!

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