Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party Week 18

Happy Week-of-Thanksgiving! Welcome back!

How was your week? Our was fantastic! I found out that my application for the 2014 Schoolhouse Review Crew was accepted! Yahoo!!! I'm so looking forward to trying some great things! I hope you'll check back often and see what products we are trying!

On to this week's favorites. Thank you everyone who linked up their pins! You made it so hard to choose my top three!

Amy from The Potter's Hand Academy shared some beautiful Thanksgiving copywork!

While Amy's copywork is meant for older students, perhaps you have a younger child and are looking to expand your home library.   Poe at Thoughts from Poe Kitten shares some great ideas for building a great library on a budget. 

 Have I ever mentioned just how much I love, love, love Apologia Science?  Last winter, we reviewed Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day and loved it.  This fall we got to review Exploring Creation with Chemistry and Physics, and thought that was just as great.  I'm pinning this activity for when we study the Land Creatures of the Sixth Day.

Jen at Thou Shalt Not Whine has a how-to from these adorable snakes.  I know we have a few that have "eaten" bit of soup that could be re-purposed into these, or you could find some ties at a thrift store for next to nothing.  Or is that nexssssssssst to nothing?

This week, there is going to be a slight change.  With the holiday weekend coming up, I'm going to leave this linky open for two weeks, so that everyone has a chance to participate.  I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving day!  Have a slice of pie for me...I like pumpkin or apple best!

 ©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

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