Sunday, November 10, 2013

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party - Week 16

It's time to visit again!

Who else is ready for a new week?

On the other hand, who else is starting to feel holidays creeping up on them?  I've got lists and lists and lists of things to do.  But I think for now, I'm going to add "Spend a while on Pinterest" to about you?

There were lots of great pins last week! Thank you for sharing.  I love seeing what you have going on in your homes. 

 Usually, I have a hard time choosing favorites.  This week, I still loved all of them, but there were some that practically jumped off the screen.

Like this pin to a how-to for a glitter leave mobile from Crayon Box Chronicles.

Glitter Leaf Mobile by Crayon Box Chronicles

 This is Celia's favorite shirt.  You can guess why this project was her favorite.

 Ok, so the kids weren't as excited about the ideas My Favorite Kind of Crazy shared about doing laundry,
 but I am and plan to give some of them a try. 

 Finally, I'm a sucker for a good cookie.  But there are times I'd prefer the texture of a piece of cake.  (And I wonder where my kids get their sensory issues!!)   These look lovely, and are a perfect compromise - they look like biscotti but are actually a sponge cookie.

Anise Cookies | Bakewell Junction

These Anise cookies from Bakewell Junction are definitely going on my baking list!!

If you have been featured this week, help yourself to the "I was featured!" button.

I was featured at Adventures with Jude

All of last week's pins have been added to my Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party Board.  With the addition of last week's pins, it now has almost 250 pins! It's filling up with tons of great things!

I can't wait to see what is shared this week!

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. Thanks for hosting! I linked up my 'Mittens from old sweaters" project and now I'm going through the other pins! Happy Sunday, Everyone!

  2. Annamaria @ Bakewell JunctionNovember 10, 2013 at 7:34 PM

    Thanks for hosting the party and sharing my Anise Biscotti. So glad you liked my cookies, it's such an honor.
