Saturday, November 2, 2013

A Month of Gratitude - Day 2 (My husband Neal)

 Yesterday I was thankful for the new day, and that Neal was up early enough to take pictures of sunrise so I could see it after I pried my eyelids open later.  Today I'm thankful for him.

 That picture was taken from behind his work - yup, he's up and gone before sunrise many mornings.   We have a really good team thing going - he earns the money, and I spend it.  Just kidding! 

He and his dad work together in his family's business, selling packing supplies to farmers.  Everybody says, "Thank the farmer for food," but without a box - how would he get a field full of tomatoes to market??

Exactly.  So thank the Package Supply guy too!

This is inside of one of the warehouses.

Well, this is the inside in April at the start of the season.  Then the season starts and the trucks start coming, and the place is hopping, and all those empty spaces are filled with lines of baskets. This year, he started training Luke in how the business works.  He's starting him just where three other generations of Falcianis did..

Unloading trucks of bushel baskets.

Neal loves baseball.

He's been a Red Sox fan since before I knew him...long before they "Reversed the Curse" back in 2004.  One of his favorite players as a child was Wade Boggs.

When he was about the big boys' age, his parents took him to Fenway Park, and this year, we took our boys.

He also is a Phillies Fan. One of the big fights in the house is who gets to go to the game with Dad.

Yes, even me, too!

He cooks mountains of bacon almost every Sunday, and lets me sleep in.  I know it's Sunday because I smell bacon and hear the Beatles.  

And I don't even make meatloaf anymore -- his is always better than mine.  The kids ask "When is Dad gonna make meatloaf again?"  

Speaking of bacon, I love his sense of humor.


 (I think that's a dig at my Amazon habit...)

Usually I handle the doctor stuff, but he does the pharmacy runs to CVS.   They know him almost too well -  once I went instead and they asked me if he was OK.  This time he went to get the two things I forgot from the kids' school supply list.

He does do Orthopedic surgery though.

And as much as I love photography, he often gets better shots than I do.

My husband is my rock, and I'm thankful for him everyday. 


©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

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