Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Month of Gratitude - Day 7 (Sacred Heart High School)

Don't cry because it's over.  Smile because it happened.

Today I'm thankful that Luke had the chance to go to Sacred Heart, even for a short time.  From the time my barely-middle-school sixth grader set foot in the gym as a prospective student, he was reeled in.  This was where he wanted to be.  Luke, my August baby, my little Leo, was destined to be a Lion.

What a roller coaster ride!  An acceptance letter, followed by a closing announcement.  Hard work and even harder prayers, and joy when a reprieve given.  Elation at being part of the school play, which he dreamed of during the three years he awaited admission.  My little Chip - part of the drama program, just like his Daddy was years ago.

 And a heart broken when a final edict of "Closing, no negotiations!" came a few months later. 

This week, Luke wrote his final essay for his Easy Essay course that we reviewed.  If he learned nothing else, my young man walked away with a new view on family.  I'm so proud of him.


Sacred Heart High School Vineland Defend the Den

The event that changed my view on the meaning of “family” was when the Diocese of Camden closed my high school.  School is our "home away from home," and when we are at home, we are with family.  Members of a family teach each other skills, accept each other unconditionally, and support one another at all times.

Parents are our first teachers, giving us a firm foundation of skills.  School teachers build on this by reinforcing those skills and teaching us new lessons.  Teachers help their students to grow.

            Families accept members unconditionally.  In school, we are also welcomed for who we are.  We are not limited by our personal capabilities in either place, but rather assisted to reach our full potential.

People in a family support each other.  They rejoice together, and help each other through difficult times.  When Sacred Heart High School closed, we vowed that our den would forever remain a source of strength for all of us “Lions.”

Last June, I learned the true meaning of “family.” A family teaches, accepts, and supports its members.  A school does the same thing, making its students and teachers a family.   The Sacred Heart community will always be my family.

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