Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Month of Gratitude - Day 5 (The Schoolhouse Review Crew)

This time last year I was accepted into the Schoolhouse Review Crew.  The Crew is made up of homeschooling families (even hybrid families like ours) and we test out curriculum and books, giving the publishers real-life feedback of how their products work for homeschooling families.

PhotobucketThe Crew is currently taking re-applications for current members (they're also looking for new ones as well!) and I needed to go back and assess my year.  I have three more reviews to submit for the year, and by then I will have reviewed about 50 products, ranging from web-based curriculum to children's fiction to Spanish and violin lessons given via Skype.  There is SO much stuff out there that I didn't know existed, and we were blessed to be able to try out so much stuff.  12 items we are still using, and there are five more companies' products that we have either continued with the review product beyond the test period or purchased other programs from them based on the strength of the products we reviewed.

We learned what worked for us, and what didn't work for our family's learning style without it costing us a lot of money.  Sure, my time is valuable, and heaven knows I don't gobs of excess time, but we have gotten so much from our experience that I can't help but think we're ahead.

Plus, I've gotten to meet some wonderful ladies and one classy gentleman, and have made a number of new friends.  That's even more valuable than the money we've saved!  I've also gotten a lot of opportunity to do lots of writing. I forgot how much I enjoyed writing until I started blogging, and being part of the Crew has allowed me to stretch my skills.

I'm hopeful that I get re-accepted for the 2014 Crew, but today, I'm thankful for the opportunity to be part of the 2013 Crew.  

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author. http://adventureswithjude.com

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