Monday, November 4, 2013

A Month of Gratitude - Day 4 (Coffee)

So, so true, right?

I admit, when you're feeling a bit down, a good cuppa with a friend can go a long way to making things seem better.

But coffee...well, let's just say that if you tap a vein, you might get coffee.

I learned to drink coffee at Philly diners.  If the spoon doesn't stand up straight, it's not fit to drink.   No weak coffee here.  Scrapple, eggs, and coffee at 2 am at Red Robin Diner is practically a rite of passage for a Mayfair girl.  (Substitute local diner for your neighborhood.  If you're from Port Richmond, it's the Aramingo Diner;  South Philly is known for their Melrose Diner.  All with perfect diner coffee.)

gratitude challenge day 4  coffeeThere are two places in my universe.  "Civilization" and "The Land that Doesn't Yet Know Wawa."  (What is Wawa? It's a Philadelphia-metro-based chain of convenience stores that have the best made-to-order sandwiches and coffee on the planet. They've recently expanded into northern New Jersey, along the I-95 corridor down to Virginia, and pockets of central and southern Florida.)  When driving back from Florida, we're not just renewed by the caffeine in the coffee, but reassured that home is getting close when we reach Petersburg, VA and the signs for Wawa start re-appearing.  I love Starbucks, but for the specialty drinks - I'm a sucker for a mocha latte.  (Chocolate and coffee!  What's not to love?)  But if I want a good cup of plain old coffee...well, to quote their advertising committee -- "gotta hava Wawa." 

I love my Keurig.  It's probably the most user-friendly appliance out there.  Jude, still age 3, could make a cup of coffee when we first got one.   Lift handle, insert K-cup, shut, hit button. That's it.  Within seconds, the fumbling zombie will inhale the consciousness inducing aroma.

Plus, Wawa now has their own K-cups.  Cue the angels! <aaaaaaahhhhhh>

I figure I'll have time to sleep when the kids are grown.  In the meantime, I have coffee to be thankful for. 

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