Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Month of Gratitude - Day 22 (Edgarton Christian Academy Art Club)

 Matthew recently joined the Art Club in school. He has talked about it for the last two years, but scheduling conflicts kept him from joining.  This year, he finally was able to join.  He really seems to enjoy art, and when he came home with his first still life, he was proud that it had been selected for display.  When I saw the art teacher, I told him how much his demeanor had changed.  She said she really saw some good talent in him, and wanted to challenge him.  She's pushed him a little harder in class (and made it a little easier by moving his sister across the room for afterschool Art Club) and said she's really seen a payoff in his focus and confidence.

This week, he came home with his second work.  He already had a turn at the display case, so his canvas came home as soon as the paints were sealed.  He gave it to me for an "early Thanksgiving present.

 I was speechless at the detail - down to the shading on the house and the highlight on the petals - consider this is the child who can't focus long enough to tie his shoes!  Mrs. A says once he finds his "zone" when he's painting, he's lost in it.

It's a beautiful painting and I'm thankful he's found something he enjoys and can do well enough to build confidence.

2013 Gratitude Challenge Button

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