Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Month of Gratitude - Day 12 (Cracker Barrel)

We love Cracker Barrel.  Ok, it's not fancy, but the food is plentiful, a good value, and...

 Safe for everyone.

Neal can find gluten-free food, and we can get naked hamburgers for Matthew and Jude.  But most importantly, Cracker Barrel has apples for Damien, and HAM for both him and Celia.  The waitresses look at us funny when we say "Just microwave it, do NOT put it on the grill because of their allergies," and are skeptical that that is even possible, but we reassure them that we've been in at least 20 different Cracker Barrels between New Jersey and Florida and they all manage it. 

Plus, Celia gets to whoop everyone at checkers.  I'm not sure how she does it, but she manages to mop up the floor with everyone she plays with.

 A restaurant that is generally easy to find and has safe food for even the most allergic of our family?  Definitely something to be thankful for.

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