Thursday, October 17, 2013

Happy Blogiversary, Pin Junkie!! Celebrating with a Super-linky-party!

 The Pin Junkie is celebrating it's first birthday with a huge linky party!

The Pin Junkie loves Pinterest as much as I do!  I know Pinterest seems to be a love-it-or-hate-it thing, but here at Adventures with Jude, we LOVE it!!  I think it's awesome because it's so visually oriented.  Give me a thousand word description, and I'm clueless.  Give me a picture, and I'm there!   I can find ideas for the boys' lessons, and Luke can help himself to brainstorming ideas.  Pin Junkie is dedicated to sharing - and trying - as much of the great stuff on Pinterest as possible!

I'm so excited to be co-hosting the birthday party!  This is always one of my favorite parties to link up with, and this week, there are 21 bloggers co-hosting!  That means when you link up here today, your post will be seen on not just The Pin Junkie, but also on all the blogs listed below.  Please stop by and say hello to as many as you can!


Eclectic Red Barn
Stuffed Suitcase 

”Love to be in the Kitchen  Rambling Reed Love, Pasta and a Tool Belt

That means when you link your project here, it will be seen on more than 21 blogs, and Pinterest boards, etc. so if you have a post that's on your heart to share, now's the time!  Crafts, recipes, projects - if you have done it, you can link it!  Share your favorites with us -- they might just become somebody else's new favorite project.

Link Party Rules
The rules for this link party are easy!
Here's what you need to know:

1.  Please follow your host & co-hosts!
2.  Link back to this party in some way.
2.  Link up something YOU made - it can be a craft, recipe, or project as long as YOU made it. (No giveaways, contests, or link parties please).
3.  Link directly to a specific post - not your main blog (Keep it family friendly, please)
4.  Show some love by visiting some of the other links and HAVE FUN!

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. Hi,
    Just stopping by to say Hi and happy to be co-hosting the party with you. Have a great weekend,
    @ Eclectic Red Barn

  2. So excited to be cohosting the party with you!

  3. Hi Meg, hopping over to visit and say hello as a Blogiversary co-host. Best wishes for you and your family!

  4. Do you tҺink Kanye will make an apρearance at Kim K's baby shower (
    Rathеr it is toys that make noisе, little cars or squishy tօys bօys lovе them
    all. I askеd both my mother aոd mother-in-law tο bring speсific salad dishes and thеy weгe more than happy to do so.
