Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party - Week 9

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Did you have a great week?  I sure hope so!

Ours was a roller coaster.  Tuesday was hard - we got the last of Jude's therapy reports back, and...ow.  I started with my usual "glass is half full" attitude and human-ness took over.  Sometimes, it's hard to put my trust in God, but I have to have faith that He is driving this train (wreck). 

While Jude is working on fine motor skills, Luke is helping review a Unit Study on George Washington.  I'm impressed with it thus far.   I had Luke write about Washington...

and for one of the hands-on unit activities, he decided he'd like to stitch a sampler.  I think it's a great idea - so does his Occupational Therapist! We ordered a pre-stamped American Flag embroidery cloth and didn't realize the package was only the sampler, not a full kit with embroidery thread.  I ordered some yesterday - and the total due came to $17.76.  Weird, huh?

One more thing - I'm trying to grow my Lilla Rose business and started advertising with The Naptime Review.  Show her some love, will you?

This party is growing!  Thank you to everyone who is sharing their pins!  Last week had the most pins linked up - 30 of them!  It was so hard to choose favorites.  Every week it is, but this week - so much to choose from!  I guess that's a good problem to have, right? All of last week's pins have been added to my Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party Board.   If you are featured below, help yourself to the "I was featured!" button.

I was featured at Adventures with Jude

So, my five favorites are:

Free is good!  Books are great!  Free + books = always awesome. And these books are absolute classics!

We are slowly working into more of a "Unit Study" theme school.  Something I love about Unit Studies is you can make one for just about anything.  Unit studies are a great way to make something that your student may not like so much (writing) and turn it into something fun.  (Luke doesn't dread writing as much as he used to, because while he has to write a specific style of writing, he loves American History so there's always something to be excited about.)

Yes, I know that makes two from Ben & Me, but folks, if you don't already follow Marcy, you should. She's brilliant.

Who else is ready for Soup weather?  I think Mondays are going to become soup nights here, because we just have so much going on.  Here's a pin, courtesy of Lambert's Lately, that leads to a lot of yummy ideas.

Finally, also perfect for fall are these two pins. 

Natural Beach Living's apple sensory bin for the littlies to play with while the bigger kids work with apples is a great idea.   I can guarantee you Damien will LOVE this one...if the apples stay in the bin and don't immediately find their way into his tummy!

I love Halloween!  (Any holiday that involves chocolate can't be that bad, right??) These cuties from Crafty Journal are perfect for not-so-scary play!

Here's why I especially love these.

I've seen so many similar ideas on Pinterest, but here's the first one I've seen that actually uses and shares measurements so you can fit everything on properly.  Thank you, Noreen, for saving my brain!

I know I said "Top Five" but I have one more this week that needs sharing.  We're going into the Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas chaos, and it's easy to get wrapped up in what we "ought to do" and forget what we NEED to do.  This is a reminder from Makeovers and Motherhood that we need to stop and take time for fun.

Time for sharing!!

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the opportunity to share my post with your readers and to check out the other great posts too!
