Sunday, September 8, 2013

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party - Week 7

Did you have a good week? Who else officially started back to school?  Of course, we were working all summer - Luke and Jude on an easy schedule, and Matthew and Celia doing summer assignments and some fun reviews - but it's hard to believe the new school year is finally here!

They were definitely happy to get back to the "normal" routine.

I had my own "new year" change.  I got a new haircut and perspective on appearance. You can see my new 'do in the right sidebar, and read about how I'm trying to be "me, just more put together" here.

So.  Now on to this week.  I hope you got to see all of  last week's pins. I could highlight all of them - the were all great - but my top three were:

I admit, I'm partial since I love American History, and we are studying it this year, but this has some great ideas for studying the early parts of the American Revolution.

This one, Simple Chores for 1 & 2 Year olds, helps you get your youngest ones helping and learning to pitch in with running the house.  In this house, Damien (just turned 3) is my most militant recycler.  I barely get the juice bottle empty and he's at my elbow: "I 'cycle?"

Finally, here's one that is chock-full of links to free baby gear.  And not just "coupon codes that are good for a week or two," but ones that are always free.  Free is good.  If you can get something for free, you've just found money in your budget for cute shoes.  (Or my new latest obsession - earrings.)

I can't wait to see what everyone shares this week! 

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. awesome! Thanks for the linkup. I love pinterest!

  2. Meg @ Adventures with JudeSeptember 8, 2013 at 12:22 AM

    Me too!! Where has it been all my life?? I'm such a visual person, and the idea of "corkboards full of links" is simply brilliant! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Thanks for the feature!

  4. Thanks for the invitation to share- looks like a great place to find pins!!
