Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party - Week 10

Happy Sunday!  Hope everyone had a good week.  We ran around so much that I gave upon trying to figure out if it was a pillar or a post and just said "Hello, Pole!"

Our week included celebrating Johnny Appleseed's Birthday....

 and our first chemistry lab.

 And, of course, going through all the awesome pins from last week!

All of last week's pins have been added to my Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party Board.   If you are featured below, help yourself to the "I was featured!" button.

I was featured at Adventures with Jude
This pin from Emma at P is for Preschooler resonated with me.


With four boys and one tomboy, boo-boos happen, and the littlest one is always trying to keep up with the big kids.  As long as there isn't obvious stupidity (matches, knives, poor condition playground equipment) or unacceptable for the situation consequences (getting wet at a playground between doctor appointments when you don't have spare clothes with you), it's worth letting kids try.

Look at these cuties!

I'd say based on the cats I have trying to get on my lap while I write this, I am a bit partial to kitties  But baby animals are always cute.  I bet Missy at Dot-to-Dot Connections has her hands full!

I don't know about you, but I'm always looking for new ways to learn math.  It's not one of my strong suits, so sometimes I need different explanations for things to click.  Sarah Elisabeth from Delivering Grace shares this pin.

Finally, two yummy favorites:

Red Velvet Cake from Kalyan at Silk Route.  This looks so yummy...but then, I'm a sucker for anything with cream cheese frosting!

And I guess all things in moderation...I probably should eat something other than cake for breakfast, so how about this simple casserole from Sue at In Him We Love and Have Our Being?

 Doesn't that look delicious for a chilly morning??

Thank you everyone who shared!  Keep them coming!

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. Thank you for sharing my breakfast casserole recipe. I hope you enjoy it!

    Have a great week!

  2. Thanks for featuring my Letting Children Take Risks pin! It was helpful for me to write so I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it as well!
