Thursday, August 8, 2013

Upcycled Crafts

While I keep a general stash of craft supplies on hand, some of the best supplies are (almost) free.  Packing boxes, paper towel/toilet tissue rolls, and formula cans get hoarded as well for projects.

Last winter, we used a box and cardboard rolls to make a Nativity Set, complete with Magi.

nativity set from recycled boxes and cardboard tubes

And here's a couple of Amazon boxes, along with some duct tape and the kitchen broom, transmogrified into a caravel:

upcycling boxes into an explorer's caravel

We even made some some octopuses that went visiting over at The Usual Mayhem!

toilet roll octopuses

Here are two new crafts.  I know I have a lot of tubey friends, and we are always looking for something to do with empty formula cans.   We covered cans with some pretty fabric, ribbon, and glitter paint, and they are now containers for Celia's hair clips.

cover a can with pretty fabric to make a barrette bin

Finally,  silly birds made from a paper towel roll.  You can use as toilet tissue roll, but then you need one per person. I like paper towel rolls because I can cut them in half and give each little boy a piece when we use them.  Originally, they were intended to be owls - like these cuties.

Photo and craft idea: Natural Kids/

But then the boys decided to make them "Alien Owls" with crazy feathers and extra eyes.

alien owls

To make these:

Cut a paper towel roll in half, or use a toilet paper roll.

Bend the top edges together, overlapping slightly, to make the pointed ears.


 Add google eyes and feathers.

I hope I've convinced you to have three waste bins - one for trash, one for recycling, and one for "craft supplies."

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