Sunday, August 4, 2013

Sunday Sharing Pinterest Party - Week 2

 Welcome to my party!

First, thank you everyone who participated last week! 

Instead of a huge "what we did last week," I want to share a fantastic NEW opportunity with you!  I'm co-hosting a Back-to-School Giveaway!  Click on either the link or photo to enter!

Back to Homeschool Giveaway Win a Kindle Fire

 Now, I promised I'd feature some pinners!

Are you a "Classical" Homeschooler?  Then check out this pin from Golden Grasses...

Or are you more of an Arts-style family?  Then check out these two pins.  The first is from Through the Calm and Through the Storm, and the second from Homeschool Coffee Break.

My last two features are looking forward to the coming year!  Here's some ideas for planning your homeschool curriculum.

 Ben and Me is getting ready for 7th grade!

and Mom' Heart has a first grader, just like us! 

 Happy pinning! I can't wait to see what is shared this week!

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. Thanks for hosting! I was happy to share some of my favorite pins! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday. Many blessings, Lisa :-)

  2. Thanks for hosting! This is one I should be able to do every week!

  3. I miss homeschooling, hs'd my older girls from 8th and 10th grades til graduation after Hannah was born and we couldn't afford the Christian school anymore ( I was a K aid there so I got 1/2 price tuition) really wish I had known more about hsing and would have started them to begin with, they are less than 2yrs apart in age so we could have done so much together...they graduated in 1999 and 2001 so there weren't coops and things like that back then either...
