Friday, August 16, 2013

Random 5 - August 16

 Note: This post contains affiliate links.

Ay.  It's been a week.

1.  Can I ask you to please say a prayer for our family?  This week has been filled with what Anne Shirley would call "Jonah Days."

The Cliff Notes version is Neal injured his back/shoulder last weekend and has been to the ER and doctor and spent the week in bed in a lot of pain.  Celia is sick with some new GI stuff that we're trying to figure out.  We learned the hard way that Jude is still allergic to dairy (not anaphylaxis, thank goodness - just a uncomfortable and messy GI flare for him as well) AND that speech therapy isn't going to be as easy as we thought.  (And a quick prayer of gratitude that Miss Jaime is OK and a good ducker when things fly at her.)  In trying to take care of Celia, I tripped over the doorframe and injured my toe badly - I don't think it's broken, but it's good and bruised and swollen.

2.  In MUCH better news - Jude read an entire Reading Kingdom story this week!!  I'm SOOO proud of him!!!  I'll be posting my full review this weekend, but I am so impressed.  I thought I was in love with ABeCeDarian and how much it helped him.  This one has blown. me. away. I need to get him to do a couple more lessons so I can get a few screenshots so you can see how it works.

3.  I'm making pesto this weekend!  I didn't check on my basil for a few days and WHOA it grew! I almost lost Damien in it when he was checking the tiny strawberry patch next to the basil spot.

My recipe is so simple - stuff the basil in the blender with three cloves of garlic per carafe full of basil.  Puree and add olive oil until pourable.  Add some cracked black pepper and a pinch of salt, and give another whir.  Store extra in fridge.

4.  I just booked my first Lilla Rose party.  My friend Allison (from Mommy Rambles) is my first hostess - I'm so excited!  And she's being super awesome and patient while I figure all of this out!  Celia's also letting me play with her hair.  This is a French braid with the hanging braid rolled up and secured with Celia's favorite clip.

5.  We found a great playground near the "New Miss Jaime Hospital" (Nemours/Bryn Mawr).   The little boy in yellow was much younger - my guess is barely four.  Jude was eyeing this "Spider Web" with a little nervousness.  With perfect articulation, Yellow Shirt Boy told Jude he could climb higher than anybody.  Jude's response, "I doan fink so, dupid," and scrambled past him. (Bonus points for Jude for not climbing over the kid or stepping on his hands.) What he lacks in skill, he has in determination and survival instinct after living in this house, though I suppose we need to work on "When handed a throwdown..." manners a little.

 Have a great weekend! I hope next week is better than this for all of us!

Sharing at the Pebble Pond
The Pebble Pond

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