Monday, August 12, 2013

Goal Planning Monday - August 12

This past week was crazy.  Between my Arts & Crafts Series for the Crew Blog Hop, and moving into our new schoolroom,  I have mostly been kept out of trouble! 

Time to catch up on my old plans....

I got Luke's transcript and the school supplies.  (Huzzah for Amazon!)

The schoolroom is fairly well organized.  All our books and supplies are on the shelves, and the only shelf that needs to be tidied is...mine.  The thing that is totally awesome is I can now find the craft supplies I want, because they're all in the same room!

Does anybody else feel like they're constantly writing lesson plans?  I got Luke's started - he has three weeks' worth of work planned.  I'm making Jude and Damien's up as I go along, especially since they have started with different therapies.  Luke can easily do his work while the others are in their sessions, but we will have physical, occupational, and speech therapies three days each week for the little boys.  Right now, my goal is to keep up with reading and math and then we will see what we can fit in.

If I can cram it in, this week's goal is to get Matthew and Celia finished their summer reading, and get their uniform shoes.  I got the rest of their uniforms last week.  Only three more weeks until they go back!

I have a bunch of blog ideas, so I'd like to start drafts that are more than the title and two or three idea words.  I also have a chapter of a new book I'm contributing to.  It's going to be about homeschooling around the holidays.  It's due September 1st, so I better get cracking!

Have a great week!

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. I love the before/after photo idea! As for lesson plans, I've given up. I know which subjects I want to cover and which materials we're using. The day-to-day lessons are mostly just "do the next thing."

  2. So sorry I did not come by and comment last week. Things just got away from me, so I purposed to come comment early this week so I wouldn't forget.

    Great new schoolroom. You are lucky to have the space. We do school in our dining room and living room. I only have one student homeschooling now so room is not a problem.

    When we had all 4 kids homeschooling they really got distracted working so closely together. I had to use cardboard to set up individual work spaces for each kid so they could concentrate when they were working on independent stuff. I will be working on my post for our schoolroom for Not Back To School Blog Hop later today... after I comment on the blogs that linked up at GPM and my other linky... Think Back Thursday.

    I never do lesson plans now. I look at the curriculum we are using for the year and have an overall plan in my head. Then each week I make sure to know what we are doing for the subjects my son and I do together. I also make sure to keep ahead in ordering the reading books he needs from the library for History. Then after we do our schoolwork each day I log the work we did in to my school log. I used to do more lesson planning when I had more kids to juggle... had to.

    Thanks for linking up. I hope you have a greet week and a great year homeschooling.
