Friday, July 5, 2013

Random 5 on Friday - July 5

 Happy 4th of July weekend! I'll dive right in to my Random Five with number 1...

1.  My days are so confused.  We were supposed to come home from Boston on Sunday, but our flight got cancelled due to weather.   Monday was a "lost" day, Wednesday felt like a Monday, and Thursday felt like Saturday since Neal only worked half a day.  The calendar says it's Friday, so I'm just going to take it's word for it.

2.  While we were stuck in Boston, we had the opportunity to take a Sunset Cruise around the Boston Harbor.  It was a wonderful chance to see sunset over the water and the USS Constitution's Taps Ceremony.  I wish we could have seen her come out of port on the 4th, but this was pretty cool, too.

sailboat at sunset, boston harbor

sunset over boston harbor
uss constitution and bunker hill monument, boston, mass
Sunset Taps, USS Constitution, Boston, MA

Old State House from Long Wharf/Boston Harbor, Boston Mass

3.   Totally unrelated to much of anything -- who else has been suckered into Candy Crush?  I have been stuck at the same level for 18 days (or so Luke tells me as he takes pity and sends me extra lives and moves).  Is it too much to ask that if the universe can't send me the winning lottery numbers, could I at least be successful at this simple game?  Sheesh.

4.    Back to Boston -- I was so excited to see my favorite Phillie, Shane Victorino, playing for the Red Sox.  And he totally came through as the hero, hitting a 2-run RBI and tying up the game.  I also felt like I was at home and he was still playing for Philadelphia - one guy couldn't overcome the pitchers' struggles and cold bats.  As a friend of mine sings it, "If they don't win it's the same!"  Of course, the Sox killed it Friday and Sunday...

5.  I have an awesome kid. Matthew made this cryptogram for me to fill out. 

Share your "Random 5" for the week over at Pebble Pond!

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