Friday, July 19, 2013

Random 5 on Friday - July 19

Happy Friday.

1. This pretty much sums up our week.

Photo credit: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Somerville, NJ

 2.  We had our first experience as visitors to duPont this week.  One of Matthew and Celia's school friends was in an accident and has been hospitalized for three weeks.  She was feeling up to company when Matthew had his pulmonology visit, so we stopped to see her.  You're in our prayers, Emily!

3. Speaking of Matthew and doctors, look at this picture!

That's Matthew with dairy ice cream!!!  It looks like he may have outgrown his allergy to milk!  After having this on Wednesday night as part of the trial, and a clear check up with the Pulmonologist on Thursday, we have the go ahead to add dairy to his diet and see how he does.  So far he's outgrown allergies to wheat, soy lecithin, and hopefully dairy.  Woo hoo!! That just leaves soy protein and nuts.

4.  Celia's been working a new Bible study for a Crew review.  She memorized the Twelve Tribes of Israel in about twenty minutes.  It's a catchy jingle...consider the earworm a gift from us.

5.   Luke and I sat down and figured out what courses he needs to take and when he'd like to take them.  Now to finish getting curriculum.

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