Tuesday, July 2, 2013

5 Minute Friday - Inbetween

 I'm a little behind on posting this. I got it written while we were flying to Boston last weekend, but found myself without a way to get it posted.  Now that I'm finally home, reorganized, and with a good wifi connection, I'm sharing! 


I look at Luke and see the definition of "in-between." At not quite 15, he's no longer a little boy, yet learned while unloading a truck filled with bushel baskets that he's not quite man-sized. He's no longer a "traditional" student since his school closed, yet our new homeschool year hasn't begun yet. He is too old for children's exemptions in airport security lines, yet not old enough to pass through unescorted by a parent. As his Mama, it's sometimes hard to watch him - to see him struggle at times to find his place, to watch my little boy melt away and be replaced by a young man. I'm proud of how he is handling himself and redefining himself as he transverses this "In-Between."



My thanks to Lisa-Jo for leaving the link open past the weekend!

Five Minute Friday


  1. Nice! It's hard, but so fulfilling too, to see our children growing up. We just pray we've done a good job and leave the results to God! :)


  2. I love this.....it is so hard to watch them grow up and find who they are.

    Visiting from FMF.
