Friday, June 14, 2013

Writing with Sharon Watson: Update

 Recently, our family reviewed the non-fiction writing section of the program Writing with Sharon Watson Luke used it to help him with his term paper, "Adaptations of Classic Characters in New Works."

 First, Luke finally got his paper back.  He scored a perfect 100!

writing with sharon watson - luke's wizard of oz paper grade

Then, he applied what he learned to writing his Final exam essay for Language Arts.  He doesn't know how he scored, but based on his term paper, I have a feeling he did pretty well.

two minutes of prewriting saves you 10 minutes composing.

I had expected that it might be useful for Matthew.  Although only in 6th grade, he had a research paper to write as well.    He used the checklist when writing his paper on Ireland.  It definitely was a big help - there were actually a few areas that he did go back and change.  One was how he had ideas ordered in his paragraph. One of the checkpoints is to make sure that ideas follow the same chronology throughout the writing.  This is (most of) his body paragraph about Irish foods.  You can see how he had them organized: soda bread, Irish bacon, potatoes.

Then he wrote his concluding paragraph.

Before consulting the checklist:

After revision:

 Luke now is definitely sold on this program. He is planning to use the Non-Fiction writing books when he starts his homeschool career this summer. He also would like to look into the Fiction Writing books for part of his writing courses.

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