Sunday, June 2, 2013

Take me out to the ballgame!

Jude's first Phillies Game
Neal has had partial season tickets to the Phillies for a few years now.  Jude has always stayed home, being deemed "too little" to attend the games.  We had tickets to yesterday's Phillies-Brewers game, and since it was a late afternoon game, Jude finally got to go to his first baseball game.  When we came through the gate, the attendant told us we could get him a "My First Game" certificate to commemorate the milestone. 

Heading to the game
 Arriving at the game.  Jude was overwhelmed by all the tailgaters in the parking lot.

Citzen's Bank Park Phillies vs. Brewers 6-1-13
 The players warming up.

 At our seats.

Phanatic's chair
After a few innings, we went for a walk to get snacks and souvenirs. 
 Here Jude is sitting in the Phanatic's chair.

Phanatic Phun Zone
Playing with Celia in the Phanatic's Phun Zone.

Original Photos: Philadelphia Phillies
 One of the best parts of the game.  This family was led out onto the field by the Phanatic after the 5th inning, under the pretense was they won a contest and were going to dance with him between innings.  When the little ones spun around, behind the Phanatic was their dad, home from Operation Cobra Gold!  I don't think there was a dry eye in the stadium.

7th inning stretch
7th Inning Stretch -- singing "Take me out..." with Dad

 I'm not certain what was going on - our seats have a blocked view of the Phanavision - but Jude recognized the Batman logo right away!

Clapping along with the organist, hoping the Phillies can rally back...

No luck.  They left runners stranded on base...again.

Heading home.  Even though the Phillies didn't win, we had a great time! 
 Jude can't wait to go back for another game.

Sharing with friends:
blogging through the alphabet @

K is for Strike Out, the box score abbreviation.

First Day at

Game day was June 1!

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. Your little guy looks so excited! So sweet.

  2. I LOVE his buzz light year shirt. It sounds really dorky but I want one! .... HMMMMM.
