Sunday, June 9, 2013

God gives a time for everything.

Scripture can gives us words at all times.  Even when nothing else seems to apply, Ecclesiastes provides this passage: 

There is an appointed time for everything,
and a time for every affair under the heavens.
A time to give birth, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to uproot the plant.

A time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to tear down, and a time to build.
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-4

 These embody the rush of emotions of the past week, and the ones I anticipate for this coming week:

Sacred Heart High School - Luke's First Day
Luke's long-awaited first day at Sacred Heart
Sacred Heart High School, Luke's school, graduated its 86th and final class on Monday, June 3.  Despite everyone's best efforts, and a year's reprieve, the school will be closing for good on after the rest of the students are dismissed on June 14.  A time to uproot, a time to tear down, a time to weep, a time to mourn, to trust in God for whatever September brings for everyone.

Luke is starting a new chapter as a homeschool student. We don't have a long-term plan finalized yet, but will take this year to accomplish "sophomore" year and decide if he will finish on a traditional homeschool track, or double up through the local county college's dual-diploma program. He has already begun working on a few activities, and is making plans for balancing required courses with other interests he'd like to explore.  For him, this is a time to uproot and replant, to heal after the loss of the past two years and build new skills and friendships.

Edgarton Christian Academy, Celia and Matthew's school, graduated it's first class on Friday, June 7.  A year ago, Luke graduated as the final class of Notre Dame Regional, and a group of dedicated parents said that there had to be another way.  Through God's grace and incredible hard work and dedication, Edgarton opened in the fall, with nearly all of the Notre Dame Crusaders becoming Edgarton Eagles.  The school takes its motto from Isaiah - "They that hope in the LORD will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings."  Move-Up Day for the remaining students, an event conspicuously missing last June, will be held this week.  The year brought time to give birth, a time to heal, a time to laugh, and for the new graduates, a time to celebrate with dinner and dancing after their ceremony.

Edgarton Christian Academy First Graduating Class 2013
Edgarton Christian Academy, Class of 2013
First Class

A Kindergarten Grad after all
Jude, the Kindergarten Graduate after all

I weathered this week with very mixed emotions. I confess to a lot of upset and anger, and a bit of mourning that Jude would not have a kindergarten graduation like his siblings, and our hopes of him going back into school for first grade just aren't what God has planned for him. He doesn't realize what he is not part of, but as his Mom, it was heart breaking that his disabilities again kept him from being "just like any normal kid."  It's been hard watching my friends' children celebrate preschool and kindergarten graduations.  I'm happy for them, and proud of their little ones, but very aware of what we are missing.  On Friday, we fished a package and several envelopes from the mailbox. Dear friends banded together to send Jude a surprise graduation and party! The box contained a cap and gown, the envelopes held cards proclaiming, "We are so proud of you!" I was so overcome with surprise and the angry and sad tears turned to weeping and rejoicing in the blessings.  It was "a time for everything," all at once!

Celebrating our times with:

Blogging through the Alphabet

L is for Luke's final days as a Lion

Scripture and Snapshot
The Weekend Brew

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.


  1. What sweet friends and what a dear little guy you have! I'm next to you at Scripture and a Snapshot.

  2. I know that I used to live in the same general area as you do, but when I read this I checked the location of these schools - and I lived in the same TOWN!! We are hoping to make a visit to the area later this summer to see old friends - maybe we can meet up when I'm there!

    1. That would be wonderful if we could! It's so nice to meet the people who "live" in my computer.

  3. I hope the changes work out wonderfully. Cute pictures of your guys.

  4. How thoughtful of your friends to bless your little one so! I'm sorry to hear about the school closure, and pray your new year of homeschooling will go well. I just finished my first year homeschooling too! Thank you for linking up with The Weekend Brew!
