Friday, May 31, 2013

Random 5 on Friday - May 31

It's been a busy week.

1.  Luke had his concert.  I love the text I got from him at rehearsal.  Makes me wonder how I survived high school with nothing but a <gasp> pay phone.

2.  One really nice thing about "home" schooling is being able to really be "anywhere" schooling.  Jude get a little work done during some down time at the beach.  We did some math on the porch of Mimie and Pop Pop's shore house.

3.   Somebody asked me what did I want the most for teaching. I said, "Running water." I wasn't kidding.  Today the sink and countertop was installed in the basement.  Now we just need to hook up the pipes and finish  the cabinets, then we can do arts and crafts AND clean up down there.

4.  Jude has a new nickname.  He is only allowed downstairs in the basement with me and our handy guy if he sits inside the trampoline.  Well, five year olds can't just sit on a trampoline. Jude sits long enough to "gather his energy," and the he bounces.  And bounces.  And bounces some more.  Mr. Ed the builder has taken to calling Jude "Cricket" because he jumps all over the trampoline (and the basement).   

5.  Celia and I put up 10 pints of strawberries this week.  We have more to put up, but we ran out of sugar.  Canning the next 8 quarts is this weekend's project.

 Stop on by!

The Pebble Pond

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

1 comment:

  1. Yum!! My sister and I made lots of strawberry jelly last spring. We hope to make some more pretty soon.
