Friday, April 26, 2013

Random Five on Friday - April 26

power ranger gigazord

1. Jude is desperate to earn two new Power Ranger toys to go with the one Daddy bought him two weeks ago.  I told him he has to finish his new Math book and current Phonics book to earn them.  Are we done yet??

2.  He had a speech evaluation this past week.  His weaknesses were not a surprise (areas we already knew about), but he did surprisingly well on vocabulary and word/picture association, scoring on the border between "average" and "exceptional."  

3.   I've spent the last two days printing out downloaded curriculum and Review Crew books.  So far, my printer is hanging in there after over 800 pages.  Only two more "textbooks" to go!  Celia and Matthew took turns with Neal and me yesterday for "Take Your Child to Work Day."  Celia learned how the comb binder worked.  

comb binder

dupont playground 

4.   The weather has finally gotten spring-like.  We had a burst of summer (with 90 degree temps) a few weeks ago, and then lots of cold and wet.  We're finally getting to outside and play!

chip and mrs potts 
5.  Luke's school had their annual play last weekend.  Check out the adorable teacup in this video Celia took of the play.

 ©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

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