Saturday, March 23, 2013

Spring planting? Well...

The calendar says it's spring, but the weathermen keep forecasting snow!  We had flurries yesterday, and more are in the forecast for next week.   I'm looking forward to our upcoming trip to Florida -- it's supposed to be in the upper 70s.  Hopefully I will be able to defrost.  We haven't done any work in our outdoor garden in this weather.  Some of the local farmers have started planting, though.  By what I've seen of the fields, it looks like there's going to be a bumper crop of plastic!  (They have seedlings covered to created mini-greenhouses in the field and protect them from the weather.)

However, we do have two new plants inside the house!  Neal used to be an avid bonsai collector - until a mouse ate his wintering-over trees in the garage.  Now he's left with two small trees that can remain indoors, and a rubber tree.   His birthday was earlier this month, and the kids and I added two trees to his collection -- a Pink Lemon tree and a Trovita orange tree.  They now reside in the sunny, south-facing dining room with his other trees.  They will go outside when it warms up, but as they grow (and get too heavy to move), they will be able to live year-round inside.

Varigated pink lemon tree

Pink Variegated Eureka Lemon

Citrus limon 'Eureka Variegated Pink'

Trovita Orange tree

Trovita Orange

Citrus sinensis 'Trovita'

Somewhere along the way on Pinterest, I found a nursery in California that shipped three-year-old dwarf citrus trees.  A little more expensive than their one-year-old counterparts, they are supposed to bear fruit in the first year.  I'm not certain if we'll get fruit or not, but our lemon tree already has lots of buds and one full flower!  The orange tree isn't doing much of anything yet, but it's still green, so that's a good sign!

pink lemon flower buds

pink lemon blossom

Hopefully April will bring some progress outside.  Celia already has a new strawberry pot-and-seeds kit that is waiting to be put together.  We'll start that after we come home, so that we'll be here to nurse it along and watch it grow.  I'm also planning to work on the garden plots and get them ready for new plants!

How does YOUR garden fare? We're joining up with Hopeful Gardners and waiting together!

©2012- 2013 Adventures with Jude. All rights reserved. All text, photographs, artwork, and other content may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written consent of the author.

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