Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Magi come to the Stable

These are the wise men, travelers three,
who knew of an ancient prophesy.
They followed the star whose light shone down
on the quiet stable, dusty and brown. 

Today we are celebrating Epiphany. Also called Three Kings' Day, we reflect on the revelation of Jesus to the Gentiles.  We re-read our Christmas story, This Is the Stable, and added the Magi to  our little stable.

Our kings are also made out of felt and cardboard rolls. For this part, you will need:

-one paper towel roll cut in half
-one toilet paper roll
-felt in three colors to cover the rolls
-yellow or gold felt for the crowns
-felt to make faces*
-a Sharpie-type marker

*I know that traditionally the wise men have not had Caucasian-like complexions.  However, we used a light tan for our project because it was easiest for Jude to see the contrast of marker and face.  If you are doing this project with older children, you may be able to use darker felt for the kings' faces.

For the crowns, I pre-cut them so there were three distinct shapes.  One was cut so the peaks/valleys were squares, and one so the valleys were triangles, and one with half-circles for valleys.  We kept ours unadorned, but you could glue on small beads or jewels if you like.

Assembling is very simple.  Apply glue to one side of the large pieces of felt, and roll it around the cardboard tube.

Draw features on the face felt, and glue to the front of the tube.

(This is Jude adding the face to Mary in the first part of this project.) 

Place a line of glue along the bottom of the crown.  Wrap the crown around the top of the tube, at the top/just above the king's face, so the peaks of the crown are above the top of the tube.

Repeat until you have three assembled kings.

Add the kings to the stable scene.

And behold, the star that they had seen at its rising preceded them,
until it came and stopped over the place where the child was.
They were overjoyed at seeing the star,
and on entering the house
they saw the child with Mary his mother.
They prostrated themselves and did him homage.
Then they opened their treasures
and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Mt. 2:9-11

If you'd like instructions on building the stable, Holy Family, and angels, they can be found by clicking the photo at the left..

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