Monday, November 5, 2012

Goal Planning Monday - Nov. 5

So much for having goals for the week...along came Sandy and they all went swirling in the wind!

After some chaos the week before and then two "Hurricane Days" last Monday and Tuesday, we were finally back on track Wednesday.  We started adding one new activity for each day, and it didn't go so well.   He liked the added art project, but he wasn't quite so excited about having to do "gym" class.  I had pulled out the little activity mats I had mentioned last time, but he just didn't want to get started.  I set up several mats in a circle, varying the type of activity being asked of him,  but he wasn't going for it.  We settled on 5 of each exercise, and after a lot of coaxing, five circuits.  It was really hard for him -- his coordination was really poor -- so I think we will stick to it (he may or may not like it, but that's life!) and see where we go.  He does much better with hands-on input and cueing (repositioning his body, reminding him to reach up, etc.), but this is what he looks like when left to his own devices.

Moving forward to new goals.

1. Keep working on adding a little more to each day.

2. Contacting the Therapy Department at duPont and find out where he is on the waiting lists, and if it's going to be a while, start looking into other providers.  If he doesn't come up soon, we are going to have to start the evaluation process all over again.  He isn't any better, so honestly, I will admit I just don't want to see that (or that he's comparatively worse since he's now 6 months older) on paper.  I'd rather just look at it as "We know he needs extra help, so can we just get it already." 

3. The Jesse Tree -- time to start printing out the pictures for the Tree.

4. Try to not be doing blog posts late at night!  

Looking to set goals for yourself?  Come blog about them over at Life Unscripted!
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