We started with the Armor of God paper craft from DLTK-Bible. Jude colored in the boy, and then dressed himself in Armor to become like the saints. We learned Saints do what God asks them, and tells others about God. We revisited the words righteous and faithful, both words that described Old Testament Heroes that we have studied so far. Enoch was a righteous person, while Noah was faithful in obeying God's commands.
We also cut out, pasted on, and labeled pictures of two saints: Mary, Queen of All Saints, and St. Jude.

Thursday was All Saint's Day. We started our day by attending Mass. Big brother Luke and the rest of his high school was joining in the parish Mass at Sacred Heart Church, so we attended with them. Jude did an excellent job of being righteous -- being good when only God is looking. Little brother Damien was singing "Happy Birthday" through the First Reading, so he and I retreated to the vestibule while Jude remained quietly in the pew and paid attention.

When it was pretty obvious that Damien and I weren't going to be able to sit back down (Damien had grown bored with "Happy Birthday Cha Cha Cha" and moved on to serenading with "Row, Row, Row your boat..."), I motioned for Jude to join us. There was a glass door, so Jude was able to watch everything going on and participate. I had to smile a little when we finished the Lord's Prayer and he whispered, "Mommy, they forgot the AMEN!" (Note to Fr. Goyette and the universal Catholic Church: Please do not deviate from the Kindergarten Script. Please forward the message to the Pope that there is an AMEN after "Deliver us from evil." Thank you.)
When we came home and started our school day, Jude colored in a picture of St. Jude, his Patron Saint. I found it, along with a number of other Saint coloring pages, at City Wife, Country Life Blog.

Then he drew a "frame" around the picture and cut it out...
...and added St. Jude to our poster.

Finally, we read about Mary Queen of All Saints, St. Jude, and the Communion of Saints.

We talked again about how Saints are people who were righteous and faithful and are in Heaven with God and Jesus. We talked about how there are lots of Saints, but these two are important because Mary is Jesus' mother and the Queen of Heaven and the Saints, and St. Jude was one of Jesus' best friends. Because Saints were good people who did what they were supposed to when they lived on Earth, God and Jesus listen extra carefully to them now that they are in Heaven.
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