I always place my camera next to me during our homeschool lessons. Partly for documenting, but also because I love photography and it gives me an opportunity to practice with my camera. (Something along the lines of "captive audience" and all that.) Often I plan my blog posts around the photos that I have - they provide the topics to write about. One morning, after he finished his lessons, Jude decided he wanted to take pictures.
Most of them were unflattering shots of mom. He decided that since I take so many of him, he wanted to take pictures of me. The bad part of this idea is when you're lilliputian, it's a given most pictures will be of the inside of a Gulliver-esque model's nose. However, he did take a couple of good ones.
I took pictures of him as he made his God's Eye craft project. It took him a little while to get the hang of winding the yarn, but he did a great job once he did. I love capturing the intensity of his face when he's working.

Jude's picture of his project.

Checking out pictures on the preview screen.
I think this is one of the the best parts of digital photography. Not only do I get immediate input on whether I got a decent shot or not, my kids love seeing what they looked like right away. Many times, they don't want any pictures taken, and then as soon as they see themselves in the preview screen, they want to take more and more, and usually I wind up with a few good ones.
This one is my favorite.
I always enjoy when my kids take pictures (well, of subjects other than me),
I love seeing the world at their eye level, and what is important to them.
also reminds me to shoot from different levels, and not just from above where
I stand.